I was first introduced to Alpha shortly after making the agonizing decision to put my oldest son, Drew, into rehab after his first year away at college (Summer 2018)....

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I was first introduced to Alpha shortly after making the agonizing decision to put my oldest son, Drew, into rehab after his first year away at college (Summer 2018)....
As the mother of a young man who spent years of his life living, and dying, with a crippling opioid addiction, and watching him attempt and then fail at one treatment program...
As a mother watching my son on his journey of recovery and working my own recovery program in Al-Anon and ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics), Alpha 180 has been the guide to...
My name is Laureen and my son, Max, is an addict. When I think back to the beginning of our recovery journey, the feelings and emotions around that time were very challenging....
I arrived at Alpha 180 on a cold December day in 2017. This was to be an important stop on my journey, but I did not quite know it at that time. For years previous I went around...
My name is Joseph and I am a born-and-raised Austinite. My struggles with drug and alcohol began at age twelve. Though I didn’t know it at the time, I believe I was just trying...
My name is Max and I was in Alpha 180 for a little over a year and it was quite a journey. I was forced into residential treatment in Mississippi when I was 17 years old and it...