How Individualized Case Management Can Support Academics, Career and Life Skills Development for Young Adults
Navigating life’s responsibilities can be challenging for young adults. Whether you are newly sober, overcoming mental health challenges, or simply transitioning into adulthood, we could all use a little extra help sometimes. Our program, called Launch, offers one-on-one support for young adults to help find success in any area of life. In fact, we like to think of Launch as ‘success management’ in that it takes any and all existing skills, teaches new and complementary skills, and focuses them all on a step by step process towards whatever success looks like for the individual. Launch offers participants a mentor who has the resources and know-how to get them farther down the path toward whatever personal and professional goals a person may have.
80% of young adults feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities, and that’s hardly surprising. Whether stresses be academic, vocational, skill-based, mental health based, social or physical, Launch has the track to help individuals with any or all of these issues. Following is each area that Launch can offer assistance in, no matter who you are of what you are seeking help with:
For those who want or require help with getting started on their academic journey, or need to remedy an academic career that is not where they want it to be, Launch offers a personalized goal plan with actionable, realistic steps, as well as educational services, tutoring and college application review services.
Whether you are well into your career or just getting started, Launch can help define a path to progress, skills development, a new job or a hopeful promotion. Through job search assistance, resume and interview assistance and connecting to internship programs, people can leave Launch feeling equipped for their first job or for finding their forever job.
Life Skills
Many people get to a point in life where they feel like they missed the class that taught about how to be an adult. Unfortunately, very few schools actually teach this class. Luckily, in Launch, if someone feels this way, they can take this class one on one with their Launch advisor. Executive function coaching, financial literacy, communication and negotiation, and interpersonal relationship skills are just a few of the things that Launch has a defined curriculum around, designed to actively teach individuals how to be confident that they can fully take care of all their responsibilities.
Mental Health
Problems with mental health are at record levels, with resources being challenging to sort through. Luckily, enrolling in Launch can open up access to things like individual therapy, medication management, sobriety monitoring and all of the services that Alpha Behavioral Health offers.
Sometimes, life can feel like it is isolating you from those around you. Launch eases individuals into a one-on-one setting with a mentor who can walk them through social anxiety and into healthy coping and relationship building skills. On top of coaching, Launch participants are highly encouraged to participate in other Alpha community activities, such as weekend outings, daily dinners and more. Launch sessions are held in the Alpha clubhouse, where other members of the community with the same goals spend time and form relationships, so in addition to the coaching, practical application is facilitated onsite.
Many people need help physically feeling better so that they can develop the energy and confidence to do the things they desire. Launch offers a safe space for individuals to privately lay out their diet, fitness or weight goals if they so choose, and in turn receive a personalized nutrition and exercise plan. Beyond the plan, there is fitness coaching, nutrition counseling and an included gym membership available to Launch participants.
What are some further benefits of enrolling in Alpha Behavioral Health’s Launch Program?
In addition to everything we have already discussed, all people enrolled in Launch are not only allowed, but encouraged, to participate in the Alpha community at large. Check out the rest of our website for more details about the wide array of things we do, but just a few include nightly dinners where our resident community and many non-resident members of our community come together for a home cooked meal at our clubhouse for food and relationship development, multiple included weekly activities such as bowling, rock climbing, museum trips and more, and use of the study room and peer/academic mentors. Although Launch sessions are one on one and tailored very specifically to the individual, a common goal across Launch participants is the need for healthy relational skills. While talking about these with the Launch advisor is massively helpful, the Alpha community is designed to be a safe and immediate place to put these skills to use.
What if I am not in recovery but am still interested in Launch?
No problem! In fact that is what Launch is all about! People who are not in recovery mingling with those who are, learning about the other’s experience and realizing that they are not so different is a wonderful learning opportunity for both parties.
Although some recovery principles are utilized in Launch, they are things such as responsibility and respect and are easily understood by anyone, regardless of recovery status. Launch is for anyone and has something for everyone.
Ultimately, Launch is the support and training necessary for successful and sustained self-reliant living. Everyone needs and deserves a little help, and Launch is a resource that can provide it. Whether you think you need a little help, or a lot, or no help at all, Launch will bring clarity to goals and the path that leads to them.